Now you can with the Ankorstore Brand Accelerator programme – an initiative that rewards brands when they successfully refer retailers to Ankorstore.
Bring retailers to Ankorstore
In a given month, using your New Retailer Reward code. The programme starts at 3 referrals.
Get customers from Ankorstore
We will promote your shop until you get at least the same number of retailers you brought us.
Start referring
Your retailers use their Referral offer voucher on their first purchase. You secure 0% fees for 12 months.
We promote your shop until you get the same number of retailers you brought us.
That’s right!
If you bring in 3 retailers to Ankorstore within a month, we promote your shop until you get 3 new customers from the marketplace.
You can invite your retailer contacts to Ankorstore using our Referral offer voucher for a discount on your products. You secure 0% fees for 12 months on these retailers if they join us.
Send an invitation
It contains a unique voucher code for retailers to use on your brand on their first order
Share your personal link
Share this page with all your wholesale contacts not yet on Ankorstore
Add widget to your website
Automatically redirects all your wholesale contacts to Ankorstore
What is the Brand Accelerator Programme?
An initiative that rewards brands when they successfully refer retailers to Ankorstore.
How does this programme work?
The more retailers you bring to Ankorstore, the more new buying retailers you get from Ankorstore.
1. You bring three or more customers to Ankorstore in a given month using your New Retailer Reward code
2. We promote your brand on a dedicated section of the website and offer all Ankorstore retailers a discovery voucher of £50 on your products until you get at least the same number of new customers in.
What does it mean to ‘bring a customer to Ankorstore’?
You bring a customer to Ankorstore anytime you’re responsible for a successful referral. That’s when a current customer or prospect of yours that you’ve referred makes their first purchase on the platform using your personal voucher code*.
A referral is considered successful as you approve the order in My account.
*You can find your personal voucher code in the back office in the Accelerator Programme tab.